NaviJazz GO GPS Navigation

by Garmin Würzburg GmbH


not available

With just a few button clicks easily and simply plan your fastest route with the first Lithuanian navigation NaviJazz GO. This functional application will save your time and fuel costs:• Plan your route according your individual needs in advance on the app website;• Planned route on the website download to the app NaviJazz GO, which portray whole planned route and navigate you all the travel time;• For your convenience, you can plan all intermediate waypoints;• Plan a route not only for yourself but also for other people. For example, manager can plan the shortest and fastest route for the employees, who have to carry out the tasks in different areas of the city. NaviJazz GO helps to save staff time, fuel, sparing the car;• When you depart from the planned route, NaviJazz GO automatically recalculates the shortest route to the original planned route;• NaviJazz GO uses offline Open Street Maps (OSM), so you can reach your destination without the Internet on a mobile device. No roaming charges when you are abroad;• Navigation voice guidance in Lithuanian language will helps you quickly orientate in the way.• Language selection (including Lithuanian);• Speed limit warnings.